2021 has made life difficult for recruiters. The year of the pandemic has made the job of recruiters more stressful, triggered mobilizations, and dramatically realigned hiring tactics. Add to this a change in legislation: now HR managers have to work in a new way with personal clarification and obtain consent to the processing of personal data. How to keep up with everything if the recruiter is drowning in a routine and called for work in countless excels and emails? Myth 1: CRM systems for factory recruitment.
Reality: This myth arose due to the fact that automation for processes appeared in Russia. This massive system had a really small part. position and there was a fear of CRM-systems - "expensive and long". But since then, a lot has changed, new lightweight cloud solutions have appeared that are affordable not only for companies, but also for small businesses. For example: access to a CRM system on average in the market costs about 1.5-2 thousand rubles per month for one recruiter, while the program saves up to 30% of his working time.
Myth 2: Special programs for recruiting are complex, heavy, cumbersome, with tabs. It takes a lot of time to set up a CRM system and to train employees, the recruiter is already loaded with work.
Reality: Modern recruitment software enhancements and simplifications, software designed to be easy to understand and easy to use. It is simple and regular to work in the system, an integrated and implementable interface is provided, the daily actions of the personnel manager are taken into account when creating systems. In addition, modern online recruitment services are emerging in such a way as to start working as soon as possible. New cloud systems can really be tested and configured in 15 minutes, not only the provider manager will help, but also the culinary tips of the program, as well as training webinars. There is a free trial period for which you can test the system and decide whether it suits you, whether it applies to you - for different programs from 2 days to a week.
Myth 3: Existing processes are fine-tuned, automation automates chaos.
Reality: Some recruiters work on a computer file recovery scheme, receiving applications from line sources and sending information about applicants by e-mail. The recruiter is constantly in suspense - there is nothing to lose! Automation allows the process of recruiting new staff and their volume, reduces the recruiter from routine operations, increases the speed of hiring, makes the recruitment process transparent, and filling vacancies more quickly. For example, the Talantix cloud-based recruitment system allows you to automate the most high-frequency actions of recruiters - entering searches into the system with work sites and from social networks, correspondence with detectors on different samples (invitation for an interview, sending an offer or refusal), sending and receiving task test results.
5 myths about CRM, or What scares recruiters?
For example, in the Talantix cloud recruitment CRM, you can see the entire recruitment funnel in the company in the format of graphs and tables.
Myth 4: Only big companies need CRM systems.
Reality: Special software for recruitment - not only for large companies, but also for small businesses when there is only one HR specialist in the organization And here's why. Freed from the routine, HR can solve the company's complex tasks of high-quality recruitment, focus on the development of corporate corps, rapid turnover in the organization of personnel, and develop the HR business brand. About how much access to the system will cost, we defeated myth 1 - these small investments for business pay off literally in the first weeks of using recruitment programs.
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Myth 5: There is no perfect program for recruiters, the functionality of such systems is limited.
Reality: Digitalization does not stand still, the system constantly suffers from dependence on business sustainability. In recent years, jobs have expanded, special software is being improved, which allows increasing the staff, automating many of the routine possibilities of recruitment operations.
What are the criteria for choosing recruitment programs and what should not be trusted?
Choosing and using a CRM system for recruitment is an important process.
At the same time, it is WORTH to rely on the possible main guidelines:
1. Service convenience is the most important criteria. Do not confuse with habit! These indicators are measured by the number of clicks for special cases. The smaller, the more convenient.
2. Full automation of routine actions - attentiveness, whether CRM systems have tools for automating various recruitment processes and in what quantity: collecting responses to queries, sorting and ranking resumes, message protocols and combining them, collecting processing and data for reports, etc. .
3. Lightweight and pro
The ease of creating a database from different sources. The recruiter has at least 3-4 places to search in his arsenal. Pay attention to the CRM system, which automatically sets up resumes from several sources at once.
4. Easy access to the system for team selection. Do not confuse with the HR department! It is important that the CRM system becomes a simple and convenient online platform for both you and your internal customers. For example, to fill out an application for selection, agree on a response about a communication delay.
5. Preservation of critical elements of the recruiting business process. These are the stages of selection, and all support of the candidate: sending and collecting documents, test tasks, a questionnaire in the security service, and so on. the manager will understand the map of the working day and the total workload.
6. Implementation of the laws of FZ-152 "On the vegetation of data", compliance with the requirements. It is important that the online service at least uses the federal law, as much as possible - automatically collects oil for processing raw materials. Please be aware that as of September 1, 2021, there will be new consent requirements for sharing personal data.
7. Compliance with the IT security base and IT infrastructure, reliability of protection, stability and stability of the system. Before considering the expansion and transition of the service with colleagues from IT, to solve a high degree of complexity with the company's infrastructure and potential data leakage.
8. Budget and billing principle. It’s better to clarify right away how to create a tariff, what videos need to be paid for: HR managers and / or linear computing resources too, whether there are additional identified payments. You can calculate the cost of using an open source CRM system yourself.
9. System development potential: how often updates are released, new features, what prospects are expected next year.
10. Terms of implementation, the ability to run the system independently, without the involvement of IT specialists. The simpler the service, the faster and more convenient it is to install it on a computer and test it. Many CRM systems have a trial period: you can set up recruitment stages for free, upload a resume, schedule an interview, go through the interface and take a survey.
11. Customer support and training for your team, selected by other members. Pay attention to how the service answers user questions, develops a portal with a knowledge base, and whether it can write a question in instant messengers. It is very convenient.
Try Talantix
This approach to choosing programs will help formulate criteria that will meet your specific tasks, business needs and selection features. The choice according to such criteria will be as correct as possible.
But what NOT to rely on when choosing a system:
1. Ratings. They are not yet developed in Russia, they quickly become obsolete, and their assessment does not take into account what exactly your company needs.
2. The opinion of colleagues or someone else's list of favorites. Every recruiter has different tasks and processes, even your private owners. You will definitely not get a complete picture of all work processes in a CRM system.
3. Experience of past years. Technologies are developing very quickly, and what you saw 3-6 months ago is no longer relevant. Look to the future!