There are types of employees who, due to their personal characteristics, are able to bring discord even in the most friendly and efficient team. They demotivate colleagues and destroy the usual standards of the organization, their actions reduce the results of the team. We collected five types of toxic employees, as well as ways to “neutralize” them. "Sufferer"
This is a person for whom everything is always wrong: from the color of the walls in the office to the size of the salary. Whatever tasks the leadership entrusts him with, at first he sighs heavily, and after another half an hour he pours out his discontent and indignation into the surrounding space.
It is difficult to work with such a person: constant complaints negatively affect other members of the team. In addition, the “sufferer” works, as a rule, ineffectively and sometimes provokes colleagues to do the same. Solution
Behind the behavior of the “sufferer” are often personal problems, so it’s worth having a heart-to-heart talk with such an employee and finding out what the real reasons for dissatisfaction are. If necessary, you can offer the employee to contact a psychologist.
Also, “suffering” can be a habitual (and often unconscious) pattern of behavior. In this case, you can give the employee soft feedback about his actions and deeds.
"Stuck in Time"
The danger of such an employee is that gradually he becomes a serious ballast, pulling the company down. "Stuck in time" rejects innovation, ignores additional training and development, and his knowledge and competencies remain at the level of past decades. Meanwhile, new methods of work, channels of communication with customers appear, the assortment changes, and so on - every day it becomes more and more difficult for an employee to keep up with the general rhythm.
The advantage of being "stuck in time" is that most often he sincerely loves his work. Using this, you can still be interested in new technologies. It is only necessary to skillfully lead the employee to understand how his productivity will increase and his indispensability for the company will grow if he starts using modern tools.
The role of a mentor can also help a “stuck” person. But before entrusting his wards, explain that it is important to use modern knowledge and technology to train beginners. Wanting to show their expertise, the employee will voluntarily go to learn new things.
Usually, "revolutionaries" are able to sell themselves well to senior management: they easily get a credit of trust, lead a department, direction or project, and start global change. Having decisively destroyed everything that had been worked out before them, “to the ground”, they often do not understand what to do with these ruins next? And they shift the responsibility for failure to colleagues who allegedly do not want change and put spokes in the wheels.
As a result: a gap in the structure and processes, and besides, personnel problems: valuable personnel often leave such unfortunate leaders.
“By the time the new boss arrived, I had been working in the company as a sales manager for three years. I liked the work, the clients were satisfied, I never received any comments from the management. The newly minted chief almost from the threshold said that we were doing everything wrong. He tried to introduce a new, completely incomprehensible system of motivation and sales. As a result, many clients canceled contracts, managers of our department began to quit one by one. I held on to the last, but in the end, too, left. The result of the work of the new boss is a collapsed sales department, the loss of key customers and millions of losses for the company. It is unfortunate that senior management realized too late what was going on.”
Elizaveta, 29 years old, sales manager *
The advantage of the "revolutionary" is that he has a lot of energy. And the task of the leader is to direct it in the right direction.
Discuss in detail with the employee the area of responsibility and ask them not to go beyond. At first, you may have to monitor compliance with this agreement. With every attempt to arrange radical change, remind the "revolutionary" of the limits of what is permitted. When discussing plans and strategies, invite the worker to think about how their ideas and suggestions can fit into the existing system of work.
This is the same employee who knows everything about everyone. The latest news and rumors, a discussion of not only the working, but also the personal lives of colleagues - this is all a "talker". But gossip is not the worst thing to expect from him. There is a great chance that such an employee can give out confidential information to competitors.
It is very difficult to re-educate a “talker”, and the price of his misconduct may be too high.
“We have been working on a new smartphone app for almost a year. Two weeks before the release, competitors launched a product on the market that is 90% similar to ours. As a result of the debriefing, it turned out that throughout our work on the project, one of the team members leaked information to another company. After this incident, we were forced to introduce a polygraph test when hiring new employees.”
Alexey, 38 years old, head of an IT company
Clearly indicate to the talker what aspects of his behavior are unacceptable in the framework of work. Ask to leave personal conversations for off-hours.
Especially point out the “talker” to the consequences of disclosing confidential information, or better, if possible, do not appoint him to positions that give access to trade secrets. There is no discrimination in this: it is a lack of soft-skills of an employee, on the basis of which he simply cannot take such positions.
Another way to put the traits of a talker to good use is to move him to a position that involves many contacts with other people, such as a sales manager. In such a situation, excessive sociability of the employee will only benefit the company.
"Your boyfriend"
Such an employee is on good terms with everyone, communicates a lot, tells stories and anecdotes. And yes, he has been with the company for a long time. What's wrong with such a colleague?
The fact is that "their guys" spend too much time on idle conversations, because they are bored, and sometimes just too lazy to do their direct duties. They ask for help in a friendly way, then again and again. And in most cases it is difficult to refuse colleagues - friends, after all. Of course, good relations with colleagues are great, but in work, work is the most important thing. It is possible to keep such a person in the team, but he will have to be constantly upset.
Periodically remind “your boyfriend” that he gets paid not for talking, but for the results of his work. If necessary, enter strict KPIs for him personally. Also ask other employees not to take over his duties. Teach colleagues to firmly refuse and say no. Faced with a situation where colleagues are in no hurry to help, "your guy" will be forced to perform work functions on his own or look for another team.
Any employee is a set of not only professional, but also personal qualities. Unfortunately, it is they who sometimes interfere with his own work and the activities of the entire team. We hope that our recommendations will help you cope with difficult subordinates and colleagues. And in order to ensure that only those with whom it is comfortable to work with get into your team, carefully consider the selection of personnel from the very beginning.